
class cockpit.quantities.GradHist1d(track_schedule, verbose=False, bins=100, range=(- 2, 2), adapt=None)[source]

Quantity class for one-dimensional histograms of indivdual gradient elements.

The histograms consider individual gradient elements, with outliers being clipped to lie in the visible range.

Initialization sets the tracking schedule & creates the output dict.

  • track_schedule (callable) – Function that maps the global_step to a boolean, which determines if the quantity should be computed.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Turns on verbose mode. Defaults to False.

  • bins (int) – Number of bins

  • range ([float, float], optional) – Lower and upper limit of the bin range. Default: (-2, 2).

  • adapt (BinAdaptation) – Policy for adapting the bin limits. Per default, no adaptation is performed.