Source code for cockpit.utils.schedules

"""Convenient schedule functions."""

import torch

[docs]def linear(interval, offset=0): """Creates a linear schedule that tracks when ``{offset + n interval | n >= 0}``. Args: interval (int): The regular tracking interval. offset (int, optional): Offset of tracking. Defaults to 0. Returns: callable: Function that given the global_step returns whether it should track. """ docstring = "Track at iterations {" + f"{offset} + n * {interval} " + "| n >= 0}." def schedule(global_step): shifted = global_step - offset if shifted < 0: return False else: return shifted % interval == 0 schedule.__doc__ = docstring return schedule
[docs]def logarithmic(start, end, steps=300, base=10, init=True): """Creates a logarithmic tracking schedule. Args: start ([type]): The starting value. end ([type]): The end value. steps (int, optional): Number of log spaced points. Defaults to 300. base (int, optional): Logarithmic base. Defaults to 10. init (bool, optional): Whether 0 should be included. Defaults to True. Returns: callable: Function that given the global_step returns whether it should track. """ # TODO Compute match and avoid array lookup scheduled_steps = torch.logspace(start, end, steps, base=base, dtype=int) if init: zero = torch.tensor([0], dtype=int) scheduled_steps =, zero)).int() def schedule(global_step): return global_step in scheduled_steps return schedule