Source code for cockpit.instruments.grad_norm_gauge

"""Gradient Norm Gauge."""

import warnings

from cockpit.instruments.utils_instruments import check_data, create_basic_plot
from cockpit.quantities.utils_quantities import _root_sum_of_squares

[docs]def grad_norm_gauge(self, fig, gridspec): """Showing the gradient norm versus iteration. If the training gets stuck, due to a small :class:`~cockpit.quantities.UpdateSize` it can be the result of both a badly chosen learning rate, or from a flat plateau in the loss landscape. This instrument shows the gradient norm at each iteration, overlayed with an exponentially weighted average, and can thus distinguish these two cases. **Preview** .. image:: ../../_static/instrument_previews/GradientNorm.png :alt: Preview GradientNorm Gauge **Requires** The gradient norm instrument requires data from the :class:`~cockpit.quantities.GradNorm` quantity class. Args: self (CockpitPlotter): The cockpit plotter requesting this instrument. fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): Figure of the Cockpit. gridspec (matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec): GridSpec where the instrument should be placed """ # Plot Trace vs iteration title = "Gradient Norm" # Check if the required data is available, else skip this instrument requires = ["GradNorm"] plot_possible = check_data(self.tracking_data, requires) if not plot_possible: if self.debug: warnings.warn( "Couldn't get the required data for the " + title + " instrument", stacklevel=1, ) return # Compute self.tracking_data["GradNorm_all"] = lambda x: _root_sum_of_squares(x) if type(x) == list else x ) plot_args = { "x": "iteration", "y": "GradNorm_all", "data": self.tracking_data, "x_scale": "symlog" if self.show_log_iter else "linear", "y_scale": "linear", "cmap": self.cmap, "EMA": "y", "EMA_alpha": self.EMA_alpha, "EMA_cmap": self.cmap2, "title": title, "xlim": "tight", "ylim": None, "fontweight": "bold", "facecolor": self.bg_color_instruments, } ax = fig.add_subplot(gridspec) create_basic_plot(**plot_args, ax=ax)