Source code for cockpit.cockpit


import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Set

import json_tricks
from backpack import disable
from backpack.extensions.backprop_extension import BackpropExtension

from cockpit import quantities
from cockpit.context import BackwardCTX, get_loss
from cockpit.quantities.quantity import Quantity
from cockpit.quantities.utils_transforms import BatchGradTransformsHook

[docs]class Cockpit: """Cockpit class.""" BACKPACK_CONV_SAVE_MEMORY = True """bool: Tell BackPACK to use a more memory-efficient Jacobian-vector product algorithm for weights in convolution layers. Default: ``True``. """ def __init__(self, params, quantities=None): """Initialize a cockpit. Args: params (iterable): List or sequence of parameters on which the quantities will be evaluated. Every parameter must have ``require_grad = True``, otherwise the computation cannot be executed. quantities (list, optional): List of ``Quantity`` (instances) that will be tracked. Defaults to None, which will use no quantities. Raises: ValueError: If not all passed parameters have ``required_grad=True``. """ # check parameters self.params = list(params) for p in self.params: if not p.requires_grad: raise ValueError(f"Got parameter with requires_grad=False: {p}") # initialize output self.output = defaultdict(dict) # add quantities to cockpit if quantities is None: quantities = [] self.quantities = [] for q in quantities: self.add(q)
[docs] def add(self, quantity): """Add quantity to tracked quantities. Args: quantity (cockpit.quantites.Quantity): The quantity to be added. Raises: ValueError: If passed quantity is not a ``cockpit.quantity``. """ if not isinstance(quantity, Quantity): raise ValueError( f"Added quantities must be instances of Quantity. Got {quantity}" ) else: self.quantities.append(quantity)
[docs] def create_graph(self, global_step): """Return if computation graph should be kept for computing quantities. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. Returns: bool: ``True`` if computation graph should be kept, else ``False``. """ return any(q.create_graph(global_step) for q in self.quantities)
def _get_extensions(self, global_step, custom_exts=()): """Collect BackPACK extensions required at current iteration. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. custom_exts (list or tuple): Custom BackPACK extensions that will be computed on top. Returns: list: List of required BackPACK extensions for the current iteration. """ # TODO A user could introduce a bug here by running an extension which is # also required by one quantity, but uses different hyperparameters (for # instance the user picks ``DiagGGNMC(mc_samples=2)`` the Hessian trace # quantity uses ``DiagGGNMC(mc_samples=1)``.). Catching such a corner case # requires hyperparameter comparison of extensions. Considering the large # amount of required boilerplate, this is left for the future ext = list(custom_exts) for q in self.quantities: ext += q.extensions(global_step) ext = self._process_duplicate_extensions(ext) return ext def _get_extension_hook(self, global_step): """Build BackPACK extension hook for the current iteration. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. Returns: callable or None: BackPACK extension hook for the current iteration. ``None`` indicates no hook. """ hooks = [] for q in self.quantities: hooks += q.extension_hooks(global_step) # Currently expects only ``BatchGradTransformsHook``s # This changes with assert all(isinstance(h, BatchGradTransformsHook) for h in hooks) if len(hooks) == 0: hook = None else: hook = self._merge_batch_grad_transform_hooks(hooks) return hook def _get_protected_savefields(self, global_step: int) -> Set[str]: """Return names of protected BackPACK buffers. Args: global_step: Current iteration number. Returns: List of protected buffers. """ protected = set() for q in self.quantities: protected.update(q.protected_savefields(global_step)) return protected def __call__(self, global_step, *exts, info=None, debug=False): """Returns the backpack extensions that should be used in this iteration. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. *exts: Custom BackPACK extensions that will be computed on top. info (dict): Dictionary that specifies additional information. Some quantities require additional information that is overly difficult to infer from a backward pass, like the individual losses. debug (bool, optional): Enable debug mode.. Defaults to False. Returns: backpack.backpack: BackPACK with the appropriate extensions, or the backpack_disable_io context. """ for e in exts: assert isinstance( e, BackpropExtension ), f"*exts must be tuple of backpack extensions. Got {e}" if info is None: info = {} if "optimizer" in info: self._optimizer_name = type(info["optimizer"]).__name__ return BackwardCTX(self, global_step, exts, info, debug=debug) def track(self, global_step, protected_savefields=()): """Tracking all quantities. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. protected_savefields ([str]): List of strings containing attribute names of backpack extensions that will not be deleted after the backward pass :meta private: """ batch_loss = get_loss(global_step) before_cleanup = [ q for q in self.quantities if not isinstance(q, quantities.HessMaxEV) ] for q in before_cleanup: q.track(global_step, self.params, batch_loss) self._free_backpack_buffers(global_step, protected_savefields) after_cleanup = [ q for q in self.quantities if isinstance(q, quantities.HessMaxEV) ] with disable(): for q in after_cleanup: q.track(global_step, self.params, batch_loss) def _free_backpack_buffers(self, global_step, protected_savefields, verbose=False): """Manually free quantities computed by BackPACK to save memory. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration. protected_savefields ([str]): List of strings containing attribute names of backpack extensions that will not be deleted after the backward pass verbose (bool, optional): Turns on verbose mode. Defaults to ``False``. """ if verbose: print("Freeing BackPACK buffers") savefields = [ext.savefield for ext in self._get_extensions(global_step)] # TODO Determine hook savefields through ``ParameterExtensionHook`` and trigger # deletion. This can only happen after hooks have been introduced for all # quantities, see savefields.append("grad_batch_transforms") for param in self.params: for field in savefields: try: if field not in protected_savefields: delattr(param, field) if verbose: print( f"Deleting '{field}' from param of shape {param.shape}" ) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def log( self, global_step, epoch_count, train_loss, valid_loss, test_loss, train_accuracy, valid_accuracy, test_accuracy, learning_rate, ): """Tracking function for quantities computed at every epoch. Args: global_step (int): Current number of iteration/global step. epoch_count (int): Current number of epoch. train_loss (float): Loss on the train (eval) set. valid_loss (float): Loss on the validation set. test_loss (float): Loss on the test set. train_accuracy (float): Accuracy on the train (eval) set. valid_accuracy (float): Accuracy on the validation set. test_accuracy (float): Accuracy on the test set. learning_rate (float): Learning rate of the optimizer. We assume, that the optimizer uses a single global learning rate, which is used for all parameter groups. """ # Store inputs self.output[global_step]["epoch_count"] = epoch_count self.output[global_step]["train_loss"] = train_loss self.output[global_step]["valid_loss"] = valid_loss self.output[global_step]["test_loss"] = test_loss self.output[global_step]["train_accuracy"] = train_accuracy self.output[global_step]["valid_accuracy"] = valid_accuracy self.output[global_step]["test_accuracy"] = test_accuracy self.output[global_step]["learning_rate"] = learning_rate
[docs] def write(self, logpath): """Write tracked quantities to a json file. Args: logpath (str): Path to a log file without the ``.json`` suffix. """ logpath_with_suffix = logpath + ".json" print(f"[cockpit] writing output to {logpath_with_suffix}") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(logpath_with_suffix), exist_ok=True) with open(logpath_with_suffix, "w") as json_file: json_tricks.dump(self.get_output(), json_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def _update_output(self): """Fetch outputs from tracked quantities into ``self.output``.""" # Update the cockpit with the outputs from the individual quantities for q in self.quantities: key = q.__class__.__name__ for iteration, value in q.get_output().items(): self.output[iteration][key] = value
[docs] def get_output(self): """Return a nested dictionary that stores the results of all tracked quantities. First key corresponds to the iteration, second key is the quantity class name, values represent the computational result of the quantity at that iteration. Example: >>> cockpit = Cockpit(...) >>> # information tracked at iteration 3 >>> global_step = 3 >>> global_step_output = cockpit.get_output()[global_step] >>> # information tracked at iteration 3 by Hessian max eigenvalue quantity >>> key = "HessMaxEV" >>> max_ev_global_step_output = cockpit.output[global_step][key] Returns: dict: Nested dictionary with the results of all tracked quantities. """ self._update_output() return self.output
def _process_duplicate_extensions(self, ext): """Remove duplicate BackPACK extensions. Note: Two extensions are considered equal if they are of the same class. Args: ext ([backpack.extensions]): A list of BackPACK extensions, potentially containing duplicates. Returns: [backpack.extensions]: A list of unique BackPACK extensions """ ext_dict = dict() no_duplicate_ext = [] for e in ext: if type(e) in ext_dict: pass else: no_duplicate_ext.append(e) ext_dict[type(e)] = True return no_duplicate_ext @staticmethod def _merge_batch_grad_transform_hooks(batch_grad_transform_hooks): """Merge multiple ``BatchGradTransformHook``s, removing duplicate transforms. Note: Two transformations are identical if they have the same ``id``. Args: batch_grad_transform_hooks ([BatchGradTransformsHook]): List of ``BatchGradTransformHook``s. Raises: ValueError: If there is a non-unique transform. Returns: BatchGradTransformsHook: Single transform that includes all transforms. """ transforms = [t._transforms for t in batch_grad_transform_hooks] key_function_pairs = [] for t in transforms: for key, value in t.items(): key_function_pairs.append((key, value)) unique_keys = {pair[0] for pair in key_function_pairs} combined_transforms = {} for key in unique_keys: functions = [pair[1] for pair in key_function_pairs if pair[0] == key] ids = [id(f) for f in functions] if len(set(ids)) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Got non-unique transform functions with ids {ids} for key '{key}'" ) else: combined_transforms[key] = functions[0] return BatchGradTransformsHook(combined_transforms)